There’s no use in explaining when people have set their mind on hating right? Plus it’s the internet and everyone think they are right and anything opposite of what they say is wrong.
About the photoset going around of Doojoon with the chubby foreign girl and his facial expression, I beg those people who are judging Doojoon based on that one photoset to please watch this subbed video of what really happened [click!]. I agree that the MC was being an ass for calling a huge girl when Doojoon volunteered to piggyback any of the fan but I think anyone given would have shock expression too like Doojoon did. I know I sound like a protective but watch the video and you’ll understand (hopefully). And when the girl was next to him Doojoon said “let me piggyback you” which wasn’t translated in this photoset. What i want to say is, Doojoon reacted like how anyone would. And the girl herself said to Doojoon she doesn’t want him to piggyback her and offered to piggyback him instead.
I know even by writing this some would still say what Doojoon did was wrong but at least try to watch the video and look at the whole situation instead of pinpointing Doojoon for being an ass based on one photoset that doesn’t even explain the real situation.
And for gifers, please be responsible. If you want to put translation, put it properly based on what you know and also what is right. Now look what happened. People who aren’t even in the fandom are hating on beast and Doojoon just based on this. If you are a fan for awhile and care enough to watch their fancams etc, you know Doojoon don’t judge fat people that way. Beast are far from perfect. Same thing goes to everyone else. But please mind what you are saying because these people work their asses off to be where they are today so who are you to call them shitty and untalented fucks. Words can hurt people beyond imaginable so please… And Beast has their fair share on being called not good enough etc.
No matter what happened, I still love him! (:
I don’t care what people say, I don’t care what had he done (which is actually normal), I will still support him and support B2ST.
Think of how much he did as a Leader, are you all going to just harp on that matter? It’s really childish, you know?
And those who are threatening to not love B2ST anymore? Go ahead then, you all will regret! They are jewels, and they will still be shining. You will regret one day for doing such a foolish act.
“Once a b2uty forever a b2uty.”
Remember there are always bad things coming our way but remember we have to stay strong and well get through it all.
So this is what happened.
They went to the taping for the guerilla date where the MC was picking out b2uties. The MC picked out a girl who was obviously a lot bigger than Dujun
What my friend told me was that when they watched the finished product of the taping, it was CUT. Her friend had said something to the MC but they decided to cut it out. What her friend had said was: “It’s obvious that Dujun can’t pick me up, so I’ll pick him up instead.”
She also told me that at what they have showed us was a lot different. She said this entire video made it look a lot crazier compared to what actually happened.